New Year's Eve

It's New Year's Eve and every year on this day it's impossible for me to believe that the year is about to end. Likewise for thi...

It's New Year's Eve and every year on this day it's impossible for me to believe that the year is about to end. Likewise for this time round, 2013 is finally coming to a close. 365 days crept by so silently I wonder where all that time went. 

It's actually 0200 right now and I'm waiting for part i of my cake to bake (I have to wait an hour for it to cool before I can refrigerate it for another six hours). 

There's always this quiet moment to reflect on the year and how it went thus far. So of course the first half of the year was absolutely splendid. It was pretty much the best holiday of my life after struggling tirelessly through A levels and the perfect time to take a long break. Working at Jones started out as stressful, exciting, fun, more fun, tiring and finally draggy. The best part was of course working with Cheryl (that's when our friendship started out and we've been closer than ever). The worse was the transfer to another branch (which meant separating from Cheryl and the other lovely people at Dempsey). I don't recall when was it I started to dread going to work but I remember the feeling of bliss whenever I could crash immediately on my bed after a long day of smiling and taking orders and serving. By stark contrast, when you're so tired after school, you still have to press on and continue studying when you get home. That's why I liked working because my brain could take seriously long breaks. One of my favourite parts of working was being able to interact with new people everyday. Sure there were difficult customers who seem to want to make life hell for you, but the highlight would be those that you are seemingly able to get along with, maybe be friends with too. I miss this simple interaction and of course I miss drawing a salary every month. Now my bank account depletes more quickly than it being topped up. I miss the people I worked with and although towards the end I was just about the only Singaporean my age, I felt really cared for and looked after by all the 'mummys' with whom I learnt so many things from. So that's the part about work. 

Getting back my A level results didn't feel like the end of the world (it did then) since it has already taken me to where I wanted to go. My dad has always said that this cert is merely a stepping stone towards another destination and I completely agree. By now no one will ask for your A level grades because they don't really care. 

I guess getting into SMU was the icing on top this year. I've met so many different people with such an array of personalities and characters. I've made many friends in the four camps I've been to and some of them I've gotten so close to throughout the semester. These are the friendships I know will take me through the next four years of school and beyond. Going for those camps was definitely a good decision to prep myself for uni life ahead. 

Anyway, I admit the first month of school was not easy for me at all. I couldn't get used to not having a group of friends to hang out with (as in go to classes and have lunch afterwards and go back to the classroom together) like in JC and I found it really sad how I would meet someone new everyday but probably not see that person ever again because our paths will cross only this once. These aren't friends, they're just strangers we meet on a daily basis (maybe acquaintances afterwards). I cried a lot, especially in the first week (yes it was that hard for me), but I repeatedly reminded myself to be strong and face up to this new life bravely. I did. I've gotten used to being alone (I actually like it) and maybe a bit better at making small talk with strangers I'll probably not see again. 

One of the best decisions I've made in SMU was joining sailing. I've always chosen to stay within my comfort zone (ie. table tennis) because it was definitely easier playing a sport I'm so used to than learning a new one from scratch. I never knew I could love a sport so much until I joined sailing. Now whenever trainings are cancelled, I actually feel disappointed and feel that something's missing without my weekend water trainings. It was difficult at first (thanks to my tiny memory space, I could never remember the different names and tactics) but now I'm used to it. I'm still not good at my position (bowing) but I love it and I love training and I love learning something new everytime we go out to sea. Had my first race after finals (before going to Taiwan) and my boat did pretty badly. I promise to do better next regatta (second week of January) and we're training hard to get there.

The semester passed by in a flash (I didn't know what I was doing half the time) and I'm definitely sure I didn't work as hard as I did last year for A levels. I know it's different but since I've fought so hard to get this far and it'll be a waste to drop everything now. My GPA is honestly quite terrible but I deserve it because it's translated from the amount of effort I put into it. I'm not very affected by the number but I hope that it can be better next semester. GPA isn't everything and of course I don't chase after a perfect score but it'll be nice to see some improvements compared to the last. 

Taiwan was the perfect way to end the year off. The beautiful sceneries, the magnificence of it all, the shopping, the amazing and cheap street food, the weather, the culture and traditions, the hospitality we received and the feeling of being in a foreign country away from the mundanity of our own daily routine. I miss it already (stay tuned for more of my Taiwan journey hehe). 

The round it off, without the people around me, I would most definitely not have survived 2013. My family, for always being there to (however cliche it may sound) support me in whatever decision I make (think picking SMU over NTU), for being my source of comfort to run home to whenever I cry, for accepting me flaws and all and for loving me at my ugliest. My four extremely precious girlfriends who have shaped me to become who I am today because we've grown up alongside one another and been through both the worst and best moments together. They've never stopped being there. Cheryl, without whom 2013 would be quite mundane. Our baking sessions, huge pig out meals, our common love for all things sweet and how we can always talk on and on without ever stopping. Really glad we decided to share a stall at the flea together last December because we've never been closer. UK two years ago was the best holiday of my entire life also because I met Yun, with whom I could not see for quite awhile but still manage to hold such a close bond with. We may not talk everyday but I know this silly girl will always share my problems and laugh at me for being stupid. Then there's Li, one of my closest friends from secondary school. She taught me how to swear back then and look how much we've both changed. Always look forward to our meals together because we'll look back at the times and poke fun at our childishness. And sis, although we meet very much less now but still text occasionally especially during a crisis happening to either one of us. She was a huge part of my childhood and definitely made me who I am today. A shoutout to my SMU friends, those I met at camp, especially my Starring group. Our weekly lunches got me through and kept me going. There're too many people to credit but I wouldn't be able to pull through Sem 1 without the people who sit next to me (or around me) in all my classes. I hope our paths will cross again and even if they don't, I hope the corridors and even the streets will give us their places for a nice catch-up or chat. And of course my sailing buddies, with whom I've gone through thick and thin (there's probably a lot more of that to come) with. I'm thankful they have and always will be there to guide me, to hang out (studying and having meals) with, to shower me with their care, to teach me how to party and to show me the ropes to be a better sailor. One of my favourite decisions of the year. 

So 2013 was an extremely eventful year of salaries, friendship, happiness, tears, struggles, exhaustion, fitness and more happiness. I've learnt a lot the past year and I think grown a little at the same time. Haven't taught of my new year resolutions but it's never too late to start. 

To an even better 2014. 

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