colours I have no words for

Our (eight-month) summer break ended on a good note with a short 5km walk with really special people. They've played a really big role ...

Our (eight-month) summer break ended on a good note with a short 5km walk with really special people. They've played a really big role in my life and I can never imagine what I'd be like without my favourite girls. 'Twas a really eventful day seeing it started at 5pm but we got there at half past. Last wave to set off and when we started, people were already done and washing up. Despite not running at all and paying a good $50 for it, I thought it was well spent because I mean, time together is priceless and anyway how often do you get splashed w coloured-powder while jogging/walking a route? Of course, I wished they had people stationed every 100m or less to throw colours at us instead of a colour checkpoint every 1km. We got excited every time we were nearing a checkpoint but for the rest of the 1km we were mostly like talking and taking (lots of) pictures.

the swag crew

the act-cute-bunny crew

colour run tattoos

meihui with her long socks (cos ankle socks are too mainstream)

me and my bunny bestie

kelly all excited to have a tad bit of colour on herself before the race started

sooooo clean

met Darren (sporties family)

my cutesy best friends

met Lenny and gang (AC family)

'the lost boys' geddit hahahaha they were adorbz

random pink shorts guy who was really friendly even before the race at Vivo City

smurfy galsssss


just a few of my favourite group pictures I was choosing to post on Instagram


(PS. Pictures courtesy of our princess Aizhen for risking her iPhone amidst the throes of colours)

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