Laneway 2014
12:14 PM
It was a really eventful Saturday (post-SSR) from project meetings to burning in the sun to extremely overpriced food to getting pushed into (sorta) a mosh-pit to rushing for submission deadlines at 2359. Cheryl asked me along for Laneway and I know how much the girl loves things like these so I said yes. I've never been much of an indie person really. Sure I listen to indie music but hey I like pop/mainstream too. I guess you could say I like variety. But I'm glad I decided to go because I was exposed to another side of Singapore I rarely see on the streets. Okay half the crowd was Caucasian but if you look closely enough, you'll realise most of the crowd dress quite similarly. Cheryl and I discussed that we liked how people can be who they are here. Dress in a bandeau top and denim shorts with high socks and you'll attract quite a few curious stares should you be in the MRT. If you don't agree with me it's completely fine; just my observation and also a tinge of stereotype going on.
H&M was one of the sponsors for the festival hence the tattoos.
We got our caricatures drawn! Cheryl's one is looking way cooler than mine (so my mom says).
Some ginger beer to quench our thirst under the sun.
Cheryl always making me laugh when she comes up with antics like these.
And after this we took a nap (well Cheryl did but I was semi-aware of the people walking around us).
Cold mentaiko pasta that came in a pathetic size and at an exorbitant price (SGD12).
And nightfall finally came (we were so glad the sun went out).
There was something very captivating about the 3 sisters up on stage. They were all unique in their own ways although their voices were a perfect unison.
The night was really cooling and I really enjoyed just sitting on our mat and enjoying the loud music with the slight breeze on our faces. So the highlight of the night was definitely the last few bands (proven to be most popular because the crowd swaaaaarmed in front of the stage hoping to get closer to the bands). I actually enjoyed Daughter more than HAIM because I prefer alternative/indie rock to pop-rock. Daughter's music was slower and sturdier. Chxrches were surprisingly good and it was a real pity we didn't get to watch the last performer James Blake (because I had to submit my presentation online by 2359 and we had so little time left).
And of course as usual, the ultimate highlight of the day was spending time with Cheryl. Reiterated this countless and countless of times but I miss her so much since now we're in different schools and have different commitments. We talk to each other almost everyday like promised and I really cherish time spent with her. Anyway thank you for sacrificing James Blake for my soci project hahahaha and pigging out at Starbucks (everything seemed so cheap... compared to the food at Laneway) with our favourite pies.